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Most importantly perhaps were the striking increases in expression of Mmp12, Mmpp13 and Mmp19, along with cathepsin K, which are likely to be responsible for the increase in matrix-degrading capacity of IL-4-treated BMMs (Table S12). Incomplete annotation particularly affects cells with complex transcriptomes such as macrophages (Suzuki et al., 2009). (D) Scatter plots of gene expression with depiction of 2-fold or more differentially expressed genes (blue) at significance level P<0.01 (red) and P<0.001 (green), as determined by the EdgeR pipeline in SeqMonk. Modalités d’adhésion à la mutuelle Je reconnais avoir pris connaissance de l’ensemble des pages de la présente demande d’adhésion. Community See All. Notably, α9 integrin expression increased 25-fold, whereas integrins α1 and α2b became almost undetectable. However, whereas the CSF-1-deficient osteopetrotic mouse has many developmental defects due to reductions in tissue macrophage populations, the IL-34-deficient mouse is essentially normal, indicating that CSF-1 is the primary macrophage growth factor (Sullivan and Pixley, 2014). We called on our journal Editors, proofreaders and contributors to our community sites for their advice on how to improve your scientific writing. Electroporation was performed using the Neon transfection system (Thermo Fisher Scientific) with specific siRNA molecules targeting paxillin (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-36197), leupaxin (Thermo Fisher Scientific, S98816) and a scrambled siRNA (Silencer® Negative Control #2, Thermo Fisher Scientific, AM4613). In this model, tumor cells and TAMs participated in a paracrine CSF-1–epidermal growth factor (EGF) loop, leading to their co-migration, invasion and metastasis (Wyckoff et al., 2004). Notably, the large number of points aligned on the x-axis of the C1-to-C3 scatter plot depicts 1239 genes for which expression was switched off altogether during differentiation into fully mature BMMs. Consistent with this, lamellipodia of leupaxin knockdown BMMs contain elongated focal complexes with very few point contacts, leading to a striking overall reduction in adhesion numbers (Fig. Page Transparency See More. It seems that a finely tuned balance of leupaxin and paxillin is required for mature macrophages to assemble their distinctive mix of point contacts and focal complexes under spreading lamellipodia, while paxillin may play a bigger role in matrix degradation. The transcription factors were also switched off during phorbol ester-induced differentiation of THP-1 monocytic leukemia cells into adherent, mature macrophage-like cells (Suzuki et al., 2009) (Table S3). Interestingly, a recent study in RAW264.7 macrophages, which are not CSF-1-dependent, demonstrated that leupaxin recruitment into podosomes regulated paxillin phosphorylation and podosome turnover (Klapproth et al., 2019). Ptk2 (which encodes FAK) was upregulated 7-fold during CSF-1-stimulated BMM differentiation, although final levels remained almost 8-fold lower than the abundantly expressed Pyk2 (Table 1). 1). TAMs are thought to predominantly adopt an alternatively activated or M2-like phenotype, and IL-4 has been shown to skew TAMs towards this tumor-promoting state (DeNardo et al., 2009). As CSF-1 is a critical regulator of macrophage adhesion, migration and invasive capacity in vitro and in vivo (Wyckoff et al., 2004; Webb et al., 1996; Pixley et al., 2001), it is important to delineate the mechanisms by which CSF-1 regulates the development of these functions. BMMs (2×105) were seeded onto Cy3-labelled gelatin-coated 35 mm glass-bottomed dishes in the appropriate dose of CSF-1 plus 20 ng/ml IL-4 for 24 h as described previously (Mouchemore et al., 2013) (Merck, Frenchs Forest, Australia). 4E). (E,F) Heatmaps of the top 50 downregulated (E) and upregulated (F) genes during macrophage differentiation. (F) A heatmap of the top 50 genes upregulated by IL-4 activation of baseline macrophages. Quoi ? Consistent with the development of an adherent phenotype upon exposure to increasing doses of CSF-1, the top upregulated pathways regulated cell adhesion and motility. >30 cells per experiment, n=3, mean±s.e.m., ***P<0.001, Student's t-test. Compared to baseline BMMs, IL-4-activated BMMs were elongated and often multipolar (Fig. Macrophages express both FAK and Pyk2 (Owen et al., 2007), as well as five SFKs, Src, Fyn, Hck, Fgr and Lyn (Dwyer et al., 2016; Abram and Lowell, 2008). (H) C2 and C3 BMMs were plated on Cy3-labeled gelatin (red) for 24 h before fixation and staining for F-actin (green) and nuclei (blue). Interestingly, leupaxin and paxillin localization did not overlap precisely in focal complexes (Fig. Basement membranes contain type IV collagen, LN and FN, while the main components of interstitial ECM are fibrous proteins such as type I and III collagens, elastin, FN and tenascin plus the proteo-glycans perlecan and aggrecan (Frantz et al., 2010; Hynes and Naba, 2012). R package version 1.0.1, Molecular imaging of nestin in neuroinflammatory conditions reveals marked signal induction in activated microglia, Fat3 and Ena/VASP proteins influence the emergence of asymmetric cell morphology in the developing retina, Cell migration: a physically integrated molecular process, Comprehensive evaluation of AmpliSeq transcriptome, a novel targeted whole transcriptome RNA sequencing methodology for global gene expression analysis, Colony-stimulating factor 1 promotes progression of mammary tumors to malignancy, Tools of the trade: podosomes as multipurpose organelles of monocytic cells, Leupaxin is a novel LIM domain protein that forms a complex with Pyk2, The microglial activation state regulates migration and roles of matrix-dissolving enzymes for invasion, Osteopontin mediates macrophage chemotaxis via α4 and α9 integrins and survival via the α4 integrin, The M1 and M2 paradigm of macrophage activation: time for reassessment, Genetics programs expressed in resting and alternatively activated mouse and human macrophages: similarities and differences, Modulation of macrophage phenotype by cell shape, PANTHER version 11: expanded annotation data from Gene Ontology and Reactome pathways, and data analysis tool enhancements, Exploring the full spectrum of macrophage activation, Specific inhibition of PI3K p110δ inhibits CSF-1-induced macrophage spreading and invasive capacity, Macrophage activation and polarization: nomenclature and experimental guidelines, Metalloproteinase production from macrophages - a perfect storm leading to atherosclerotic plaque rupture and myocardial infarction, Tissue biology perspective on macrophages, Regulation of lamellipodial persistence, adhesion turnover, and motility in macrophages by focal adhesion kinase, The development and maintenance of resident macrophages, Macrophage migration and its regulation by CSF-1, CSF-1 regulation of the wandering macrophage: complexity in action, Protein tyrosine phosphatase φ regulates paxillin tyrosine phosphorylation and mediates colony-stimulating factor 1-induced morphological changes in macrophages, Phosphorylation of CSF-1R Y721 mediates its association with PI3K to regulate macrophage motility and enhancement of tumor cell invasion, Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis, Tissue-specific differentiation of colonic macrophages requires TGFβ receptor-mediated signaling. The most striking of these is the 2000-fold increased expression of Fat3 (Fig. For non-adherent bone marrow-derived precursor cells, a similar number of cells was collected by centrifugation prior to lysis. Footprint area (arbitrary units) and elongation (aspect) ratio measurements were calculated and expressed as the mean and s.e.m. CSF-1 rapidly triggers BMM spreading, adhesion and motility through CSF-1R pY721-activated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) p110δ (also known as PIK3CD) (Sampaio et al., 2011; Mouchemore et al., 2013), and also regulates macrophage adhesion and migration in the longer term through SFK gene expression changes via CSF-1R pY974 (Dwyer et al., 2016). ; Supervision: F.J.P. Many adhesion proteins are tyrosine phosphorylated during adhesion-based signaling and turnover. As expected, scatter plots of gene expression demonstrated that immature and mature adherent BMMs were more closely related to each other than they were to non-adherent mononuclear phagocytic precursor cells. Plot shows densitometric ratios of paxillin and leupaxin against GAPDH. (A) Heatmaps of integrins and other core adhesion genes in non-adherent precursors (C1), immature BMMs (C2) and mature BMMs (C3). (C) The number of pseudopodia for each cell in B was designated as 1 if circular or a single pseudopodium, 2 if bipolar, or 3+ if three or more pseudopodia. Transmission du patrimoine : tout ce qu'il faut savoir. 3C). 2G). Expression of more than half of the effectors changed significantly during differentiation (C1 to C3), and this increased to almost 70% when transient changes were included (Table S10). 2F). Avec la MNEC : mutuelle santé : 20% de remise sur tarif public. Mmp13, which encodes a protein that cleaves interstitial collagens, and Mmp27 were also highly upregulated although their final levels remained low in mature BMMs. α9β1 integrin is highly homologous to the abundantly expressed α4β1 integrin and both bind the ECM protein osteopontin to regulate macrophage motility (Lund et al., 2013). Phosphopaxillin-rich adhesions were visualized by SIM to determine whether the blunted spreading responses were associated with reduced adhesion. Further diversity is derived from the developmental origin of the precursor. n=3, mean±s.e.m., ***P<0.001, Student's t-test. Cathepsins A, B, D, L, S and Z, all of which were already expressed at levels between 140 reads per million reads (RPM) and 1500 RPM in non-adherent precursors, underwent additional increases, while cathepsin F and cathepsin K levels increased 100-fold and 30-fold, respectively, albeit from a low baseline (Fig. (2018) to remove background by thresholding. For chemotaxis, 1×105 BMMs in 100 µl CSF-1-free medium were seeded into 8 µM pore-size transwell chambers (BD Biosciences) and placed into medium with 120 ng/ml CSF-1 in the lower chamber. Tissue macrophages are resident chameleons that finely tune their phenotype to adapt to the local demands of their tissue of residence (Gautier et al., 2012). 2F). In contrast to their effects on the formation of adhesions, paxillin knockdown reduced matrix degradation by 66%, while a reduction in leupaxin expression did not significantly affect matrix-degrading capacity (Fig. While most tissue macrophages, including Kupffer cells and microglia, originate from embryonically derived progenitor cells, intestinal macrophages are largely derived from hematopoietic stem cells in the adult bone marrow (Perdiguero and Geissmann, 2015). The pathogenesis of pseudocysts remains unclear. In addition, by extensively characterizing baseline macrophages, we have been able to precisely delineate changes in gene expression and activity of the motility machinery found in IL-4-induced alternatively activated macrophages. We caught up with Jenn (virtually) to hear about her relocation to Brazil mid-pandemic, her research on parasites and what she enjoys about ‘preLighting’. To identify IL-4-induced adhesion, motility and matrix protease gene expression changes, we used AmpliSeq, a reliable and cost-effective method to examine changes in gene expression. Adhesion and motility pathways also scored highly during adhesion development (C1–C2) and further maturation (C2–C3) (Fig. As macrophages form smaller adhesions and express a unique set of adhesion-regulating proteins (Pixley, 2012), we added additional genes to the consensus adhesome, including the myeloid-restricted SFKs Hck and Fgr (Dwyer et al., 2016). IL-4 further increased motility and matrix-degrading capacity in mature macrophages, with additional changes in migration machinery gene expression. The ECM proteases implicated in macrophage interstitial migration are matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), cathepsins and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPa; also known as Plau) (Vérollet et al., 2011). Although cultured macrophages do not fully represent tissue-resident macrophages in vivo, they are useful for the interrogation of cytokine-driven pathways important for macrophage differentiation and activation. Thank you for your interest in spreading the word on Journal of Cell Science. To catalogue CSF-1-induced changes correlating with increased adhesion and interstitial migration during macrophage differentiation, we undertook a supervised analysis of molecules important for adhesion, cytoskeleton remodeling and matrix degradation in macrophages. Lists of differential gene expression were generated using the edgeR platform within SeqMonk using the raw reads as is required in analysis of negative binomial distributions (Schurch et al., 2016). Many cathepsins already highly expressed in non-adherent precursors demonstrated further increases during the development of adhesion and increased motility, notably cathepsins D, L, B, S, A and Z, while cathepsins F and K showed 100-fold and 30-fold increases, respectively, from very low levels in non-adherent cells (Fig. The macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) and alpha(v)beta(3) integrins play critical roles in osteoclast function. In contrast to the preponderance of hematopoietic lineage markers in the downregulated gene set, the top upregulated genes in differentiating macrophages encoded proteins with disparate functions, including structural (Nes, Fat3 and Emp2), metabolic (Ch25h) and the immune response (Fcna). Rac2 and RhoG (Rac subfamily), RhoF and Rnd3 (Rnd subfamily), RhoH, RhoBTB2 and RhoBTB3 (RhoBTB subfamily) and RhoU (Cdc42 subfamily) were downregulated. Interest . CSF-1-induced BMM maturation alters the expression of adhesion, actin cytoskeletal remodeling and matrix-degrading genes and is associated with increased adhesions, footprint area, migration and matrix degradation. (C) Principal component analysis (PCA) of bulk RNA-Seq data from biological replicates (r1–r3) of non-adherent precursors, immature macrophages and mature macrophages. n=3, mean±s.e.m., **P<0.01, Student's t-test. Thus, most genes regulating the actin cytoskeleton in macrophages are themselves regulated by the process of differentiation. Scale bar: 10 µm. 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Of the Rho family GAPs and GEFs expressed in precursor cells or differentiating macrophages, 60% showed significant expression changes when mature macrophages (C3) were compared with non-adherent cells (C1) (Table S9). After fixation and permeabilization, the actin cytoskeleton was stained with Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated phalloidin and nuclei were stained with DAPI. Although BMMs cultured in vitro do not fully represent tissue-resident macrophages, they can be used to investigate the process of macrophage differentiation. Bone marrow was flushed from the femurs and tibiae of 8- to 10-week-old male C57BL/6 mice in three independent experiments. Create New Account. Finally, we reduced expression of the adhesion proteins paxillin and leupaxin to demonstrate their overlapping and distinct roles in CSF-1-induced spreading, adhesion and matrix degradation. >50 cells per condition, n=4, mean±s.e.m., *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ****P<0.0001, two-way ANOVA. Our RNA-Seq data showed a 4.5-fold increase in leupaxin expression, while paxillin decreased by 70% as macrophages developed adhesion (Table 1). This is exemplified by their expression of two adhesion kinases, focal adhesion kinase (FAK; also known as PTK2) and Pyk2 (also known as PTK2B), and five Src family kinases (SFKs), Src, Fyn, Hck, Fgr and Lyn, to coordinate phosphorylation on tyrosine of many adhesion proteins during adhesion turnover and signaling (Dwyer et al., 2016; Zaidel-Bar et al., 2007; Owen et al., 2007; Abram and Lowell, 2008). Scale bar: 20 µm. En ce qui concerne le CSF, cela est un peu différent. Determination of the changes associated with CSF-1-induced macrophage differentiation allowed more-precise characterization of the effects of IL-4 activation on macrophage function and gene expression. For immature and mature adherent BMMs grown in CSF-1, cells were seeded onto 2×10 cm tissue culture dishes and grown to ∼70% confluence (∼0.5–1×106 cells) then lysed and polynucleotides treated with DNase prior to RNA extraction (QIAGEN, Chadstone, Australia). All three showed striking increases in expression from undetectable or low levels, supporting the notion that CSF-1 produces baseline (M0) macrophages in vitro (Murray et al., 2014). As demonstrated previously, CSF-1-stimulated spreading produced a 2.1-fold increase in the footprint area of control macrophages (Fig. Le nouvel article 36.2 de cet accord, issu des négociations annuelles obligatoires du 31 mars 2009, est As IL-4-activated macrophages migrate and degrade matrix more efficiently than baseline macrophages, we examined whether IL-4 treatment alters the expression of genes regulating the motility machinery. « GT 28 CSF : Créer les conditions d’un développement vertueux des objets connectés et des applications mobiles en santé », Conseil National de l’Industrie, CSF Santé 18. Over 70% of expressed extracellular proteases (23 of 32) demonstrated significant changes in expression. Striking changes in adhesion size and distribution were seen as macrophages matured. Credit csf adhesion asso. Of the SFKs, Fyn and Hck increased, whereas Fgr levels fell sharply (Table 1). Create New Account. En savoir plus sur notre politique de confidentialité Experimental outline and gene induction patterns in CSF-1-induced BMM differentiation and maturation. How do scientists become master storytellers? This work was supported by funding from the Cancer Council Western Australia [APP1078830 and APP1122300 to F.J.P. Not Now. Nevertheless, these different macrophage populations all perform common duties such as immune surveillance and injury repair along with their specialized tissue-specific functions (Okabe and Medzhitov, 2015). and E.L.G.] Adhesion numbers were quantified by binary analysis and showed a 1.4-fold greater number of paxillin-rich adhesions compared with leupaxin (Fig. More than 50% of the markers found in all four in vivo populations were upregulated and abundantly expressed in CSF-1-differentiated BMMs. (D) A heatmap of Rho family GTPase gene expression in C1, C2 and C3 cells. Crédit social des fonctionnaires aide..... La législation juridique et financière évolue en permanence... Guide pratique des Donations & Successions, Dictionnaire du droit : tous les mots-clés de A à Z. 2F, Table 3). Nestin, which is upregulated 2600-fold in differentiating macrophages, has previously been shown in microglia and possibly macrophages after brain injury and inflammation (Krishnasamy et al., 2017). β1 integrin is also strongly upregulated during differentiation along with a 25-fold upregulation of one of its partners, α9 integrin. Envoyer à un ami. Raw RNA-Seq data have been deposited in GEO under accession number GSE145437. 4H). Ajouter un commentaire, 18293 internautes nous ont dit merci ce mois-ci, Pour mieux gérer vos finances et mieux défendre vos droits, restez informé avec notre lettre gratuite. In our special issue, Chandrakar et al. We do not capture any email address. Electroporation was performed as follows: BMMs were lifted (2 mM EDTA in PBS) and resuspended in buffer R. Two ×105 cells per transfection were mixed with either 1.0 µM paxillin or 0.8 µM leupaxin or scrambled siRNA and collected in a 100 μl Neon electroporation tip.

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