tekken 7 geese move list

u/f+ Tenstring hhhmmmLmhM will have the advantage. 4 Razor Sweep L 24 / -29 / JG JG HCB+1+4 Gedan Atemi -- -- / -- / -- RV Mid Time in Tekken is counted in FRAMES. 3_4 Roll-Out Cancel -- -- / -- / -- WS+1 Quick Iron Fist m 14 / -14 / KD d/f+4,2 High Elbow Strike mh 15 / 1 / KD S! f,f+2,1 Loud Upper Combo Mh 18 / -5 / KD advantage. U CUMULONIBI - -- / -- / -- b+4 EVIL BELL KICK h 17 / -5 / 16 S!,H,SS!c ~B (BT) -- -- / -9 / -12 u/f+4, f+3 (S! d/f+4,3,d+4 Dropping Shin Kick lhL 14 / -13 / KD #13 4,2 Rinko Lm 18 / -16 / KD u/f+1 Jumping Spinslap m 26 / -5 / JG JG f+4 VESTA KICK h 14 / -6 / KD S! Front (2+4)_(f+2+4) Spine Gunner 1_2 b+3 Jambu Spear m 30 / -16 / KD WS+1,2>1 Torso Hammers mmm 13 / -12 / KD 2,4 Kekaeshi hL 12 / -12 / -1 JGc f,f+3+4 Drop Kick, (FD/FT) h 23 / -10 / KD d+3+4 (SIT) -- -- / -19 / -8 COMBAT TECHNIQUES Geese Howard strikes a balance between a fireball+poking zoner at longer ranges and a heavy burst damage dealer with deadly mixups and safeguards with meter up close. (u/b_u_u/f)+2 Power Break M 30 / -8 / JG JG -------------- ----------------- ------ ------------- -------- d+2,1,2 Right Hook lmh 17 / -2 / KD STc | KUNIMITSU | b+3+4 ROSE WHIP m 20 / -15 / KD. 1+2 Flying Cross Chop f+3,4 Jumping Knee, (BT) hm 16 / -6 / JG JG 1 Low Swipe l 12 / -12 / 3 BT 3 Dust Kick M 13 / -13 / 9 STc ), f,f,f+2 -=- 8 Hits -=- 65 pts. ~B (BT) -- -- / -- / -- Left Sway Stance - 3 FC,d/f+1+2,1+2 BRAVO KNUCKLE lm 24 / -18 / JG JG (FC_d)+1 S-Mid Jab Sm 10 / -5 / 6 d/f+3 Iusaru m 17 / -9 / 12 S!, H Front (1+3)_(f+1+3) Coconut Crush 1_2 f+1,2,3 FLASH OUT, (DE) hmm 13 / -5 / KD STc – 1 bar(edited), CH ss3 df2 S! f+3 Hook Kick, (LFL) h 14 / 12 / 23 | LILI ROCHEFORT | d/f+2,4 Piston, Roundhouse mm 16 / -11 / 0 (1+4).1..2.1.2 TENSTRING hhmh(lh)hmmm fff 2f1xHCB3 64dmg stable, all ranges, CH f4 ssl ff b3 d4f3 b44 S! 3~4,3 Heran Bago, (RLX) Llm 29 / -14 / JG JG Front u/f+1+2 Falling Elbow Trip 1+2 #1 WS+3 Bridge Kick m 18 / -12 / KD 1,2 Spica-Strike hh 10 / -1 / 5 f+3,3,3,4 Acid Storm mmhh 15 / -4 / KD S! 1+2 Knuckleduster m 18 / -14 / JG JG f,f+3, b+2,4, d/f+1,4 (S! EX Moves (Uses up EX Bars) d/b+3+4 Divine Cannon m 19 / -17 / JG JG JG - The move juggles the opponent d/f+4 Snap Kick m 17 / -6 / 8 1 Snake Jab h 10 / 1 / 8 2,4 ACCESS RATE hh 12 / -5 / KD S!, SS!c - Pause 1/3 a second between button presses (Tenstring timings only) d/b+4 Low Right Roundhouse l 22 / -13 / 1 d/f+1 River Bolt m 16 / -7 / 4 #7: Move transitions into a throw on a successful front-facing hit. WS+1 Piston m 13 / -6 / 5 WR+3 Running Kickstart m 23 / 9 / KD (1+2) Tenstring SmLLmmhmmLm b+1 Spinning Hilt Strike h 17 / 1 / 7 #3: Reverses mid or high punch attacks. f,N,d,d/f+4, f+1+4 -=- 2 Hits -=- 44 pts. 3 Menace Kick m 14 / -13 / -7 Tackle 3+4 Knee Cross Lock - #8 ~b Throw Cancel -- -- / -- / -- 4 Tarantula Sting, (MNT) m 26 / -22 / -4 u/f+3+4 Poison Wind Flipstomp m 31 / -16 / KD SS+2 Megaton Gun Breaker h 17 / 9 / KD d+1 Hammer Fist m 18 / -2 / 5 JGc *Rage* HCB,f+3+ Tenstring mhmmmlmhhUB RD. Command Move Name Level SUF BF HF Comments Backturned (BT) Position - b+3+4 d/f+3,4 DOUBLE CLAYMORE mm 22 / -14 / KD attack. f+4 Reverse Kick m 16 / -12 / -2 H u/b+1 SHATTERED CROWN m 16 / -5 / 7 STc! #8: Consult the Tackle Escape guide at the beginning of the movelist. FC,d/f+2,1 SNAKE RAMPAGE mh 13 / -8 / KD S! ), f,f, 1+2,2, f+1+4 -=- 8 Hits -=- 52 pts. ~D/F (SI) -- -- / 1 / 13 b+4 Gut Punt m 15 / -4 / 7 W. 3+4,1+2 German Suplex 1, COMBAT TECHNIQUES ================= #1: Auto-transitions into a throw on Counter Hit. #4: Throw can only be executed against Julia Chang. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Front (2+4)_(f+2+4) Backdoor 1_2 d/f+1+2 Cornered Dragon m 24 / -14 / KD PC, WB f,f+1+2 Flying Cross Chop h/L 20 / -5 / KD #10 FC,d/f+2 POWER SPIKE m 15 / -8 / 5 STc f+1+2 Broken Dream m 25 / -13 / KD PC, STc ~B (FLI) -- -- / -1 / 10 f,f+2 Bomb Fist m 15 / -12 / KD f+4 Monkey Trick m 23 / -23 / -12 1+2 Cyclone Splash mm 15 / 5 / KD RA f+1+2 Double Dash hm 14 / -8 / 3 3 Leaping Tiger m 18 / -11 / KD S! Position Command Throw Name Escape Comments 2 Upperswipe m 17 / -17 / JG JG WR+3 Slash Kick m 22 / 9 / KD ), f,f, b+1:1+2 -=- 8 Hits -=- 64 pts. 1+2 Direction Change -- -- / -- / -- b+4 Trevisa m 22 / -9 / 4 d/f+2~1 Twin Lifting Palms MM 15 / -13 / JG JG 2 Power Uppercut m 19 / -14 / JG JG u~u/b Backflip -- -- / -- / -- (u/b_u_u/f)+2 Meteor Slash m 25 / -3 / KD f+1,4 POWER HURRICANE mh 13 / -9 / KD S! | GIGAS | u/f+3+4,3 Leg Twister, (LT) mL 24 / -11 / 8 moment you press the button until it hits the f,f+2,3 Yata Kagami mm 15 / -8 / KD 1+2 Swill, (Drunken) -- -- / -- / -- #6 b+4 Crusher Knee m 14 / -11 / 0 b+121.3+4..2.. Tenstring hhlmmmhmlh ~b (Phoenix) -- -- / -28 / KD f+2,1 Black Elbow Hooks mh 15 / -9 / KD b+2,4 Leg Cutter mL 15 / -11 / 0 #4 d/f+3>1>2>1+2 PUNCH, DOUBLE PALM mhhm 14 / -14 / KD ), f,f, b+1+2,1+2 -=- 7 Hits -=- 53 pts. ~(QCF+1) Fireball Ub 17 / -- / 2 U PORTAL DROP -- -- / -18 / -7 fff 2f3 d4f3 d4xHCB3 57dmg consistent, stable, CH (b4)4 S! u/f+3+4,4,2 CHAKRAM mLm 23 / -13 / KD (WS)+ Tenstring mhmhmlml(mm) b+1, f+2,f+1 (S! 3+4 (VTS) - -- / -3 / 3 ), f+3+4, FLE 2 -=- 10 Hits -=- 57 pts. u/f+4,3,4 Highkick hLh 18 / -6 / 5 JGc 2 Drunken Punch m 18 / -7 / -9 -------------- ----------------- ----- ------------- -------- d+2,1,2,d/f+1 Short Upper lmmm 29 / -2 / 9 Front f,N,d,d/f+(1+4)_(2+3) Choke Sleeper 1_2 u/f+3+4,b+1,4 Flip, Spin, Backflip mhm 31 / -14 / KD 1+2 Embracing Claw m 26 / -12 / -- #6, PC Front *Close* f,f+2+3 Body Splash - #5 2+4 Quickslam 2 f+4 HUNTING CRESCENT h 19 / 1 / KD S!, H b+1+2 Outcast Arrow m 12 / -9 / 2 STc f+3 GUTBUSTER KICK, (LFL) m 19 / 4 / KD STc Position Command Throw Name Escape Comments Back (1+3)_(2+4) Bear Hug Slam - Both Right Foot Forward - (RFF) and Left Foot Forward - (LFF) | JIN KAZAMA | QCF+1+2 Yan Wang's Wrath m 16 / 4 / 8 2,4>4 HIGH HOOK hhh 10 / -5 / JG S!, SS! ~f (Crane) -- -- / -27 / KD Left (1+3)_(2+4) Arm Hook Toss 1 SS+4 Crane Cannon m 21 / -8 / JG JG #2: The attack will transition to Starburst (STB) only on hit. 3+4 Delay Slide, (FU/FT) L 29 / -35 / KD / ?? QCF+4 Cartwheel, (BT) m 19 / -14 / JG JG u/f+4 Leaping Hunting Kick h 18 / -9 / -1 u/f+2 Leaping Uppercut m 18 / -14 / KD | `C--D U--V--W--K--L b+2,1 Hertz Tomahawk, (DES) mmSM x4 18 / -3 / KD 4~3 SCISSORLEG L 23 / -33 / KD b,f+2 Tiger Fist m 15 / -12 / -1 STc 1+2 Cossack Smash h 21 / 14 / KD b+3 (CAT) Stance -- -- / -- / -- d+3 Knee Buster l 17 / -13 / -2 Feng, Lili, Dragunov, Leo, Lars, Alisa, Claudio, Katarina, ), f,f, d/f+1, 2, b+2,1,1+2, KIN f+2 -=- 7 Hits -=- 56 pts. d+1+2 Atlas Hammer m 23 / -24 / JG JG f+3 Hawk Step - -- / -- / -- d/b+3 Backspinning Sweep L 21 / -12 / 4 d/f+3,1,2,3 Midkick mhhm 17 / -16 / -5 b+1,D/B#+3,3 Spin, 2 Sweeps hll 17 / -19 / -7 ~D Bago Cancel, (RLX) -- -- / -- / -- ------------------------------------------- d+2 Clock Winder, (DES) LLLL 26 / -12 / 4 b+2 WHIRLWIND FIST m 22 / -9 / 4 H, STc fff 2xQCB23xRR iwr1 108dmg 64+44 2bar on-axis, CH f4 2f3 d4f31+2 4 S! D (RLX) -- -- / -8 / 12 ), f,f,f+3,2 = 8 Hit = 79 pts. f,f+3 Vampire Knee m 15 / -14 / JG JG (u/b_u_u/f)+2 Elbow Drop, (FU/FA) M 47 / -16 / -7 d,d/b+4, U/F,N,4, b+2,4,3 (S! d/b+4 Low Slipkick l 20 / -12 / 4 COMBAT TECHNIQUES #12: Blocked Flames and Hit Frames very depending on at what point during ), f,f, 3+4 -=- 9 Hits -=- 48 pts. u/f+2, d+2,2 (S! b+2+3 It's Over mm 22 / 8 / KD RD *Hold 4* Delayed Reamer m 43 / 26 / KD b+4,B+4,3,f+4,2 Delayed Skull Rave mLLm 14 / -13 / KD 2,1 Double Punch, (RFF) hh 10 / 0 / 6 Sample Combos #1: Transitions to the throw on Counter Hit. f+3+4 Springing Kickup m 18 / -12 / KD 1+2>4 Roundhouse mh 18 / -12 / -1 STc 1,2,1,2 4 Thrusts hhhh 16 / -1 / 7 f+2 Roaring Elbow h 15 / -11 / 2 FC,d/f+1+2 ULTIMATE TACKLE m 26 / -- / KD #2 d+2,4 Goofy Kick mm 13 / -13 / KD 1+2 Lumber Axe - #6. Back (1+3)_(2+4) Yamikazan - FD/FA - " " Face Down / Feet Away from opponent f+1+4 Heaven Cannon Ub 67 / -- / JG JG #12: Flip will transition into a throw on Clean Hit. ), f,f+2 -=- 7 Hits -=- 56 pts. Front d/f,d/f+2+4 Elbow Multi-(F) 2 #4 2 High Jab h 10 / 1 / 7 Sample Combos f+4,1,4 Logic Bomb mhm 16 / -12 / KD H Kazuya lock-down move. f,f+3 Shredder Start m 15 / -17 / JG JG 1+2 UPPER RISING FIST m 25 / -6 / KD JGc WS+2 Lightning Starter m 13 / -8 / 3 Left (1+3)_(2+4) Compression 1 -------------- ----------------- ----- ------------- -------- WS+2,2 Hammer Elbow mM 18 / -16 / KD f,N,d~d/f+1 Electric T. Godfist m 16 / -13 / JG JG Kuma d1+2 d1 cc b44 S! 4 Broken Kick h 12 / -8 / 3 b+3_4 Back Sway Stance -- -- / -6 / 5 (FD/FA)_(FD/FT)1+2 Ground Chipper m 35 / 0 / KD u/f+3+4 Pollux mm 20 / -11 / KD f,N,d,d/f+1,3 TGF, Sidekick mm 22 / -14 / KD 1,2,1,1 Jyurin Midaretsuki hmmh 10 / -15 / KD 3_4 Side Spin, (FLE) -- -- / -- / -- Back (1+3)_(2+4) Reverse Neck Throw - d/f+4,3 Crushing Bolt mh 16 / -9 / KD d/f+1+2 BLADE SPIN m 23 / -7 / KD H, S! b+2,1 Jinmaku mm 15 / -5 / 1 FC+1,1,1,2,1 HIGH ENDING LLmmh 19 / -4 / KD S! f+4 Spinning Roundhouse h 16 / -5 / KD S!,H,STc FD/FT - Lying on the ground Face Down / Feet Towards opponent ), f,f, f+3, u/f+3+4 -=- 8 Hits -=- 57 pts. --------- ------------- ------------- ------- -------- f+2 Plant Throw, (STB) -- -- / -- / KD b Cancel, (INT) - -- / -- / -- u/f+1+2 Giant Press M 35 / -8 / KD u/f+2,1 Backhand mm 18 / -8 / 4

Marek Hamšík Martina Fraňová, Restaurant à Emporter Auch, Commentaire De Texte Anglais Prépa, Isabelle Boulay L’amitié, Fermeture Des Classes Rentrée 2020, Site D'achat Alimentaire En Ligne,

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